Thursday, February 7, 2008

Electronic Billiards Scoreboards

At competitive levels of billiards, a scoreboard is essential for displaying the scores of each player. Electronic billiards scoreboards are the latest trend for displaying the scores in billiards. It is a fast, easy, and reliable way of displaying how much time the player has left for the shot or for pre-match warming up. The commendable feature of electronic billiards scoreboards is the accuracy of the displayed information.

Electronic billiards scoreboards have a housing comprising a scorekeeping display adapted for billiards. Digits are generally composed of seven-segment displays, large dot-matrix made of LEDs, incandescent bulbs, or other electromechanical flip segments. The display can add or subtract from scores automatically. There is a power switch for activating and deactivating the scoreboard display.

Electronic billiards scoreboards are mounted on the wall as they are the focal point throughout tournaments for players as well as viewers. The scorekeeping display gives you information such as player statistics, updated scores, average time, average score, winning percentage, important tournament information, and sponsor messages. It also gives information about the current game, and a list of all played games.

Most of these scoreboards come with voice announcer, game clock, control box, wall mounting devices, and laser sound effects. Automatic player change and handicapping options are other advantages. For accuracy and reliability, some of them use infrared puck sensors. Fixed and portable electronic billiards scoreboards are available. There are many companies that manufacture and sell the best scoreboard devices. Most companies offer warranties for their product. Online shopping is an ideal alternative to get quality electronic billiards scoreboards.

Billiards provides detailed information on Billiards, History of Billiards, Rules of Billiards, Billiards Supplies and more. Billiards is affiliated with Pool Tables for Sale .

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